Randy Gorbman
Randy Gorbman is WXXI's Director of News and Public Affairs. Randy manages the day-to-day operations of WXXI News on radio, television, and online.
Randy has over 30 years of broadcast news experience, and was recently news director at WHAM-AM in Rochester. Randy has also been news director, writer, announcer, and producer at radio stations in several cities in New York and Connecticut, as well as working as an editor at the NBC Radio Network. He served as past president of the New York State Associated Press Broadcasters' Association, and is currently a member of its Board of Directors.
Randy has also taught journalism to local students, serving as adjunct instructor at SUNY Geneseo and Monroe Community College.
Randy received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication from the S. I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University, and his Master's degree in Liberal Arts from SUNY Empire State College.
More than 200 firefighters from Ovid and nearby communities were battling the fire in below zero wind chill temperatures on Tuesday night.
Hastings most recently worked at public media organization GBH in Boston, and will succeed Norm Silverstein, who is retiring after more than 28 years in the position.
Karen Macier will temporarily take the role left vacant when Jennifer Gabriel resigned recently after three years in that position.
The latest funding will help finish work on the third and fourth floors of the four-story building. A lot of the work on the lower floors has already been completed.
Voting rights groups said the new law, which takes effect in 2025, will help save taxpayer dollars and prevent voter fatigue; Republicans complain the new law tips the scales in favor of the Democratic Party.
National Women's Hall of Fame to move annual ceremony to NYC in March, and broadcast in prime time oHall officials said the move to primetime TV can help the museum generate more revenue which is especially needed to keep the organization sustainable.
Dr. Konstantin Frank Winery, located near Keuka Lake, will be the first winery from New York state to distribute its wines in Puerto Rico.
Officials from the NYS DEC and the city of Geneva are working on the cleanup and the investigation into a petroleum spill at the north end of Seneca Lake.
New York state is dropping its mask requirement on public transportation thanks in part to the availability of new booster shots targeting the most common strain of COVID-19.
Hobart and William Smith Colleges President Joyce Jacobsen announced Tuesday she is stepping down as president; and the Board of Trustees announced that former longtime president Mark Gearan will return to that role.