Today, Wednesday, July 19th at 5:30 p.m., the Nancy Curvin Playground Players perform in Lakefront Park in Geneva. The ensemble is a joint venture of the Geneva Theatre Guild and Geneva Recreation Department. Since 1998, the group has brought together high school actors in the summer to perform for children and senior citizens. This year, Luis Figueroa, a student at Hobart and William Smith Colleges is directing the group, which has chosen a new take on a familiar story.
Figueroa is a veteran of many productions at HWS and is a member of the colleges’ Mosaic NY social justice theatre company. But, his work this summer has given him a new appreciation for theatre as a collaborative art.
The Nancy Curvin Playground Players production of “Country-Ella” happens in Lakefront Park in Geneva tonight, Wednesday, July 19th at 5:30 p.m. The production is free and appropriate for all ages.